Where do I go?

War is at the doorstep. What do you want me to do?
You say I must run- but where
you do not say-
Where do I go
When this is the only home I know

You say, 'Do it for your family.' 
And I agree.
I wake my sleeping children
Stuff my pockets with money, and bags
with food and clothes, and toys

'Go!' you say. 'Before, its too late.'
But how- how do I take it all?
I have two hands- one for each child whose hand I must hold
My back - it hurts- but it's what I've got
So, I'll carry what I can and the rest I'll leave, behind. 

I’m participating in Reena’s Exploration challenge which requires me to include the sentence somewhere in your piece.“War is at the doorstep. What do you expect me to do?”

And with this poem, I’m not going to write any more on the war. It does not mean I do not care. I do. So, I’ll pray for peace and help in any way I can. But, I’m taking a friend’s advice and sharing it here for all those who feel like they are drowning because of all that’s happening around them. She reminded me, ‘It’s best not to dwell too much on what you cannot control.” Strangely, this is how I’ve led my life hereto – not focussing on things beyond my control. But the suddenness of this war, the shock that we hadn’t learnt even after two years of being held hostage by Covid, swept me into it and for a while, I forgot that I need to focus on the good.

Copyright@smithavishwanathsblog.com. All Rights Reserved.

29 responses to “Where do I go?”

  1. Andrea Stephenson Avatar

    This is a powerful meditation on something we’ve probably all wondered while watching what is happening.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      I was away and only returned last evening, hence the late reply. I don’t watch the news anymore. It’s terrible that nobody can do anything about it. Thank you, Andrea for hearing me and feeling the pulse of the poem.

  2. […] Where do I go? […]

  3. Dalo 2013 Avatar

    A very poignant poem, and your words after your poem also reflect your feeling ~ such shock, much sorrow, and the wonder of how we, as global citizens, once again find ourselves in such a horrific position. The sentiment you show with the line: “I have two hands- one for each child whose hand I must hold, My back – it hurts- but it’s what I’ve got, So, I’ll carry what I can and the rest I’ll leave, behind…” shares the emotion of protecting the ones most vulnerable and walking into a future of sad uncertainty. Thank you, Smitha, and my peace find us all.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Your words made me smile. I love how you’ve read and analysed each word in this simply worded poem. Thank you so much, Randall for reading the poem attentively. What more can a poet want?
      Do read my first poem on the issue- ‘How easy it is to become a refugee?’ I would like to know what you think of it.
      Thank you again for taking the time to read and write back. It means a lot to me.
      May peace find us all and May God have mercy.

      1. Dalo 2013 Avatar

        You have such a nice way with words, so it’s easier for me to imagine (analyze 😊). I will take a look at your first poem on this subject tomorrow, it’ll be a good read and looking forward to it. Take care ~

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          It’s very kind and generous of you. Thank you so much again. I very much appreciate you taking the time to read and share your feedback. Have a wonderful day! 😊 Cheers.

  4. The Flensburg Files Avatar

    Very moving poem and I will share this in my blog. Beautiful but scary.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words and for sharing the poem. It is sadly the truth and it is indeed scary.

  5. Infinite Living Avatar

    There is value in both – allowing our truest expressions that give us peace when we do so and consciously finding other places to focus on to amplify that heart energy. Your expressions in poetry have been truly beautiful and helpful for me to be with, while personally it is my nature to not write about what bothers me most while going through it.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Yes, I agree, Pragalbha. We cannot afford to be insensitive and yet we must not allow ourselves to drown because of everything that happens around us. Thank you so much for letting me know how you feel about my poetry. You have no idea how much it means to me. Thank you! I understand about not writing about what bothers you until it’s resolved. For me, writing it down is a way of getting it out of my system.
      Pragalbha, you are a warm soul and I’m so glad we connected virtually.❤

      1. Infinite Living Avatar

        Much Love to you.

  6. robbiesinspiration Avatar

    HI Smitha, this is a lovely poem and very sad. I just shared a song to Facebook. It is from Voice of Ukraine and I just love it. I pray all the people involved in that show are fine. I am glad you are looking around for the good in life. Our children rely on us to make them feel secure more than ever when the world is upside down like this. I am so glad we are friends and can lift each other up.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Hi Robbie,🙂. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. I had to share your advice to me, with the world. I believe it could help so many who feel like me.
      You’re right- we have a responsibility towards our children which is foremost in the list of things. And that reminder should be enough to shun anything that’s not going to help them become strong, balanced individuals.
      I heard the song you suggested…they make such an amazing duo.
      Love to you.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Reena, the name needs to be fixed here too🙂…to Smitha. Thank you again.

  7. rajkkhoja Avatar

    I visited your site. I can read some blog. Beautiful write up poet. I am so happy. It’s poet is very important to all off. I will pray to peace & help any way. Amazing words use in peom. So advisable poem. I like. 🙏

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you for reading the poem and appreciating it🙏. I am glad you think so.

      1. rajkkhoja Avatar

        Thank you so much!

  8. Reena Saxena Avatar

    Reblogged this on Reena Saxena and commented:

    Eunoia …. by Chitra Vishwanath

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Reena…it’s Smitha :), not Chitra.

      1. Reena Saxena Avatar

        Oops! Corrected it. Chitra Ramakrishna of NSE is playing too much on my mind 🙁

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          Lol…thank you for fixing it and for sharing the poem. X

          1. Reena Saxena Avatar


  9. Reena Saxena Avatar

    Yes, what we cannot control plays heavily on our minds and needs a conscious break.

    Good to meet another ex-banker here 🙂

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Wow! I had no idea you too were a banker:) I’m glad I joined in the challenge and got to meet you here.

      1. Reena Saxena Avatar


  10. Vineetha Brijesh Avatar
    Vineetha Brijesh

    Heart wrenching.praying to God for peace. My heart goes to all there. Hope peace prevail.

  11. OIKOS™- Art, Books & more Avatar

    Reblogged this on NEW BLOG HERE >> https:/BOOKS.ESLARN-NET.DE.

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