Thursday Doors 16.11.23 : Colorful doors of Punjab

These are pictures I took at Sada Pind, which is created to resemble a village in Punjab. It’s a tourist attraction spread over 12 acres of land. You can read about my visit to Amritsar here.

Here are a few of the doors I found at Sada Pind. The place is a door lover’s delight.

I find this door very welcoming.
The blue color on the wall around the door makes this door attractive
A mud house with a normal wooden door
A cabinet door.

These days, this kind of furniture with a distressed look is sold at exorbitant prices.

Did you see the green door at the back of the room, painted doors on the taller cabinet and the wooden doors of the smaller cabinet?

I’m participating in the Thursday Doors challenge hosted by Dan Antion. All RightsReserved.

Here’s a link to the book, in case you want to check it out. And if you’re in India, this is the link. If you enjoy a story on love, life, loss, relationships and family, set in India, then this is for you. ‘Coming Home’ is available on Kindle as well as Paperback. It’s free for KUL subscribers. Check out what others say about the book on Amazon and Goodreads.

12 responses to “Thursday Doors 16.11.23 : Colorful doors of Punjab”

  1.  Avatar

    Lovely colourful collection. Did anyone say that the first door looks like a chocolate bar? Or is it just me? haha

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you! No, nobody did. But you’re right. I looked at it again, and gosh, it does look tempting . Lol.

  2. robbiesinspiration Avatar

    Hi Smitha, your doors are wonderful. Thanks for this lovely share.

  3. rajkkhoja Avatar

    Wonderful & nice design doors.
    Beautiful you sharing panjab doors, Smitha 🤭

  4. Colleen M. Chesebro Avatar

    Beautiful doors, Smitha. 💜

  5. Dan Antion Avatar

    I really like the collection you’ve assembled today. I wonder if the cabinet door was once a radio set.

  6. Darlene Avatar

    I love these doors!! Thanks.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you, Darlene, for reading and writing back. Punjab loves its color. You can see it in the way people dress, too.

      1. Darlene Avatar

        I too love colour!

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          Me too 🙂 XXX

  7. SelmaMartin Avatar

    Splendid. 👏🏽 🚪

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you, dear Selma. Hugs

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