
A little about me for whoever found their way here deliberately or stumbled upon this page. It wouldn’t be wrong to call me “The Bored Banker”. With 20 years of banking behind me, it’s safe to say that I was good at what I did. The door to banking was open when I finished university, and I walked straight through it. Banking chose me, and I accepted.
It took me some years, 14 to be precise, to realize that the profession that had consumed a large part of my adult life was simply a job. While I devoted a lot of time and energy to it, there was something missing. That’s when it dawned that banking was just one aspect of my life; it was not “My Life”!
This realization was the beginning of a new journey, and this blog, created in 2012, was the product of that journey! However, with no clue about blogging, I did not write until 2016. In the interim, I dabbled with art and sketching but soon realized that art was hard work (especially when one has never learned it formally), not like blogging wasn’t. But one had to find an appropriate picture, have the material before one could begin, and clean up after every sitting, unlike blogging :). Being a novice, the result was unpredictable.
This blog is essentially me – it has everything that my life revolves around – family, experiences, poetry, art, book reviews, travelogues, and just chit-chat.
Am I Great at Writing? Have I studied Literature in University?
An Emphatic No!
I have never written professionally, but my mother, like all doting mothers, believed her daughter could write, and she made no secret of it; much to my chagrin. There was absolutely no point in telling her that I had no idea about grammar or that I really did not have the “stuff” that writers were made of.
So, to all you readers out there, this is both a warning and a sincere request. Please do not judge the grammar and the vocabulary. If you’re looking for a “literature” kind of blog, then you’re in the wrong place. This blog is simply about life, written in simple layman’s English.

Why this blog? Simply because it allows me to do what I love most -Write!
Like someone rightly said, till 40, you are learning. It’s only after 40 you start living; so here I am, finally doing what I enjoy most. But I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much I enjoy writing them. I hope it brings back memories. I hope it makes you think and I hope you come back for more.
After four years of blogging
As a result of this blog, I co-authored a book of poetry Roads- A Journey with Verses on July 2019 with a fellow blogger. Having the blog helped me when I left my banking job in 2018 and moved to India with my family. Over the years, I’ve made some good friends whom I have never seen but who’ve been with me on my journey.
I’ve had my writing published in several anthologies and magazines since 2018. The current lockdown has given me the time to try art again, and thanks to writing and art, the lockdown has been easier on me.

What I love more than writing the post:
I love your comments. So drop in a line and share your feelings on the post or what you think could be improved. Remember, I’m on a journey, and I’m learning along the way.
Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to click the Follow button if you would like to hear more from me and feel free to share a post you like.
Have a great day!
To understand why this name for the blog, please check out the below link –
Eúnoia – We have a new name!
To get a taste of my writing, you can click on the below link
Latest Posts
To check out my poetry book, you can click here-
Roads- A Journey with Verses – A Book Review
To buy my art or to stay updated on my latest work, you can subscribe to
http://SpacesbySmithaV.com (Read a review of my art here – A review of my Art by Robbie Cheadle )
Copyright© 2020. lifeateacher.wordpress.com. All Rights Reserved.

75 responses to “About”

  1. Enjoyed your story, Smitha. Some similarities. Unlike you, I was an academic (Ph.D. in Lit), but like you, I took to blogging when I realized a gap to be filled. I’d left academia for a corporate job, and blogging allowing me to rejuvenate the intellectual and creative spirit that was lacking there. Then, when the “simply a job” thing reached critical mass (14 years exactly!), I gave away all my stuff and took off with my backpack. That was 7 years ago. 17 countries hitchhiked since then, with random job stops in Germany, Japan, and Mexico 😊

    • Welcome to my blog, Daedalus. It’s amazing that you gave up your teaching job to travel and explore the world. The experiences must help you practice what you studied ( Lit). You had the tools, and now you must have enough stories to share with the world. I can’t imagine anything a more perfect fit than that ( and the countries you traveled to all sound exotic🙂).

      • Thanks, Smitha. Actually last month I was hitchhiking in Turkey (Istanbul to Izmir), but this week I’m leaving New Orleans for Tokyo. My novels do express the values and world view I’ve picked up as a vagabond with wildly varied contacts of all classes and backgrounds, but no direct biography (except maybe a bit in my novel, Hippies 🙂 ) Gary

  2. A very good evening ma’am , I couldn’t go without saying that this is the best ‘about’ page that i have ever seen and as a young blogger , you have no idea how much i have been inspired by this to improve the way I write. Thank you so much!

    • Good evening to you too, Raoul. Thank you for taking the time to read the ‘About’ page and your kind words. I’m happy it inspired you in some way. Welcome to the blog. I hope you enjoy what you read here. Happy blogging!

  3. Hi
    So beautiful your biography. Amazing do you doing your work. Really true your experience & your interest share you! I like. God bless!✍️🙏

    • The pleasure is mine, Teagan. So glad to make your acquaintance here. Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind appreciation. Hugs to you too!

  4. There is such refreshing in your post. I admire that. Truth be told, I too now love writing after retiring from my other profession: teaching. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

    • Thank you so much Mary Ann. I’m so glad you found your way here because of which I found your blog. Just read your post ‘What’s in a Name?’ I have a post by the same title but talks of something entirely different 🙂

      • My pleasure, Smitha. So interesting that your blog with the same name is something entirely different. I am so glad you discovered my blog as well. Enjoy your writing as well. “”__””

  5. It’s rare to catch a banker in the wrong foot. Perhaps you didn’t add the many roles you play, in your introduction. Allow me to help make the job easier for you:
    Banker (mentioned), Eloquent writer cum poet, Brilliant Photographer, Dreamer and the most important part, one who is passionate enough to make her dreams come true.
    Pleasure meeting you Madam.. 😊 Hope that you aren’t the banker of Mr. Anderson’s fame (Dhoom:3 Movie).. 😛
    I believe one continues to learn everyday. Learning doesn’t stop at 20,30,40,50 or any other age.
    And living life? It happens the day you decide to do so. Following one’s dreams is a way, and clearly, you show the path for the same.. 😊
    Once again it’s a pleasure meeting you Madam..!! 😊

    • Thank you Abirbhav. That’s very generous of you. I’m a novice in all the areas that you have credited me with but I enjoy them far more than the area I have expertise in. The pleasure is mine 🙂though I have not watched Dhoom 3 or in fact any of them. True, learning is eternal and that’s how it should be. Thank you again for your kindness. Your comment made me smile.

      • I am elated that my comment was able to cause the otherwise “tough?” banker to smile.. 😊
        And now, you are being modest by calling yourself a “novice”.. Even if I agree to that for a moment, you can’t be more “novice” than me.
        I repeat, it is a pleasure reading your articles. There is so much to learn from you.. 😊

  6. […] ‘Roads’ is the first book she has co-authored. Having lived and studied in different countries and different states within India and worked with different cultures, Smitha understands that ‘change’ and ‘ups and downs’ are very much a part of life. It is this experience that reflects in her poems and her writing which are filled with positivity, acceptance and willingness to change for the better.  She also writes regularly through her blog : Lifeateacher […]

  7. Thanks for your follow of my blog, and in so doing introducing me to yours, which I very much enjoy. Love your reference to the line that “until 40 you are learning, it’s not until after 40 that you are living.” Keep up the living that I see here!!!

    • The pleasure is mine Mary and welcome to my blog. Thank you for your kind words. It’s an honor to have you here. Looking forward to read more of your writing and your comments on my posts. ❤🌷

  8. Loved the little write-up. There are many ‘About Me’ sections I have come across and read, each one had a different story-yours too. Enjoyed reading it 🙂 Keep up the good work, will browse through your site you have here.
    Do pop over to my space if and when time permits.
    – Savio

  9. Thank you for following my blog. Just read a few of your posts. Looking forward to reading more about you… Btw I guess I am your 500th follower!! 🙂

  10. […] nominated   for  Lovely Blog Award , from great blogger Smitha. She have a really great blog, where she is writing about life, about traveling, about parenting. […]

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s fun that we have both been doing this a year. I look forward to following you. I am in Connecticut in the U.S. Where do you write from?

  12. Hi, Smitha, Nice to meet you here. Yes, a job is a job or career, but it’s not our life. I like to write about real life things also. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    • Good to know that you could relate to it. The pleasure of meeting you is mine😊. I hope you enjoy reading my posts.

  13. I can relate to your sentiment that “I’d like to believe that banking is one aspect of my life; not “my life”!” Being a Soldier is what I have done for several years, but it is not necessarily who I am. For too long I let it be that way and I fully identified with the Army. I never separated the Army from Bryan. Now, there is the career I work 40 hours every week, and the poet who I am full-time.

    • Thank you for visiting my blog. I am happy you could relate to it and am happier that you shared how you felt. 😊. Being a poet must be relaxing for someone who has to work in such a fixed discipline as the army. I find writing a relief.

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