Book review: The winding road by Miriam Hurdle- A journey of survival

I want to thank Miriam for writing this book which is a real-life account of her battle with cancer in 2008. In the foreword, she says, ” Life is precious and it’s worth fighting for. If I died, my pain went with me, but I would leave pain with my loved ones. My life is worth living.’ This very honest, straight-from-the-heart line, sets the tone of the book and forms the backbone of her fight against cancer. It was this line that made me read on. It reminded me of my very recent brush with the hospital and how I felt when I was wheeled into the operation theatre. I thought, ‘Well if it ends, the pain is gone. But, there’s so much love to live for.

Miriam recounts her experience with the dreaded ‘C’- the chance identification of it, the subsequent tests, and adjusting her life so she could continue to work. Gratitude, faith, prayer, support from family and friends and her immense willpower to get through it, saved her. She says, ‘ What if there was no hysterectomy? How would I have found out about melanoma? There was no pain or any warning symptoms. I’m grateful for the hysterectomy. The treatment provided by Doctors is pretty much the same in most countries which are fairly well-developed.

In a frank, candid manner Miriam talks of real-life challenges that a family goes through when a family member is detected with cancer- not just the emotional and physical challenges but practical ones such as getting leave from work for the treatment and rest thereafter but also managing the costs involved. The author explains the illness, the after-effects of the treatment, getting back to work and the rules of the educational system with regards to leave, pay and gratuity – those that I’d heard my mother speak of when she went through it in 2006 ( at the time, I remember wondering why she cared about her job so much and couldn’t just leave ).

From August 2008 to October 2008, three months after detection, while Miriam waited for the necessary insurance approvals so the hospital can begin treatment, the cancer was spreading. It is ironic that a patient must wait even when everybody knows that cancer does not wait and that the longer it takes for the treatment to begin, the greater the damage that needs to be fixed. Yet, that’s how the medical system works. Reading this book made me realize that things were no different in the United States in the early 2000s than it was in India. The author shares her fear; one that may be true for every cancer patient, ‘ Oh no, my cancer is spreading. It’s true that melanoma spreads fast. I must wait for an entire month before the surgery. How fast will the cancer spread during this month? Will it spread to my brain before the operation?’

Miriam gives the little details that nobody tells you when you go to the hospital for a surgical procedure. She says, ‘They asked if I could scoot from the gurney onto the operating table. I did it with little effort. The anesthesiologist greeted me and injected the anaesthesia into the back of my left hand. He told me Dr Eisner was on the way. In an instant, his face faded away.’ In 100 pages, she manages to write an informative, heartwarming, inspiring story of strength.

Miriam’s hope to see her daughter’s wedding and grandchildren, thereafter, kept her going. In the book she says, ‘ My mind came to a halt. There are two roads in front of me. Which one should I choose? The road to the single chemo drug is ineffective, It may lead to a dead-end, eventually. The other road is unknown, with a slim chance of leading to healing. The Road not Taken by Robert Frost came to my mind, especially the last few lines.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I found quite a few things interesting and informative in the book, apart from how the author dealt with the Cancer. For one, how the Church provides support by sharing information amongst the community and how everybody pitches in to help. I know for certain, this does not exist in Hindu temples. Another thing that I found interesting was the concept of the Catastrophic Leave bank, where teachers can deposit one sick leave day to become a member. Then, after exhausting their sick leave days, they can withdraw days at the bank, 20 days at a time to receive half the pay, up to a maximum of 100 days. In addition, to this under the Teacher’s union, after a teacher has exhausted her or his sick leave balance, they can get 50% pay for 100 days, which effectively means that under the two plans, the author was able to get her complete pay for 100 days. There were a few other things too that were new to me but you’ll need to read the book to find out.


For information and simplicity of language, I’m giving this book, five stars. In this world where there’s no dearth of bad news, it’s important to read stories of survival and community spirit. Despite the tragedy of the situation, this book is inspiring and there’s a lot you can take away from it. The photographs of the author with her family (the people mentioned in the book) at the end of the story will leave you feeling satisfied because who does not like a happy ending?

The book is for :

This is a good book to read, if you know someone who is dealing with cancer ( it will help you understand and support them better because there’s so much to it than the knowledge that the body is being attacked from the inside) , if you’ve lost someone to cancer ( you’ll understand what they went through if you were not in a position to understand it earlier) or for someone detected with it ( it’s inspiring to know that you can get through it). It’s a good book to read for awareness of how hospitals function. Had I read the book earlier, I might have grumbled a little lesser about my own recent visit to the hospital. It seems like it’s the same, world over.

‘The Winding Road’ is available of kindle- free for Kindle unlimited subscribers and Rs 159 in India, for non-subscribers.

P.S. I read the book 10 days ago but couldn’t post the review earlier as I’m moving countries. This note is for those of your who follow my blog regularly, that I will not be writing regularly over the next one month as we move, travel and settle down. All Rights Reserved.

85 responses to “Book review: The winding road by Miriam Hurdle- A journey of survival”

  1. Stewart Shearer Avatar

    Very Informative content on Cancer Pain Thank you for the article!

  2. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    What a beautiful review and so much deserved Smitha! ❤️

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you very much, Cindy for reading the review and your kind appreciation of it. The book is a good inspirational read.

      1. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

        it’s my pleasure!❣️ i can tell❣️

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          ❤😊thank you again

  3. Marsha Avatar

    What a fabulous review. I can’t wait to read the book. 🙂

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you so much, Marsha. I’m very happy to know you enjoyed reading the review and it makes you want to read the book. I hope you find it as inspiring as I did :).

      1. Marsha Avatar

        She’s an amazing person. We got to have lunch with her while we were in Portland. Here are some pictures of our time together.

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          What fun to meet fellow bloggers who know you well. Thank you, Marsha, for appreciating the review. I went through your post. I found it very interesting and would love to participate. I’m not sure how to though. Lovely pics. Thank you for sharing it here.🙂

          1. Marsha Avatar

            Hi Samantha, WQW is easy. You can double dip even in one of your review blogs because you are already using quotes in the post. Or if you have an old post about a the theme of the week, you can post that link either by adding the link to my current post to your post or adding your post’s link to your comment on my post. Either works. The theme today is fitness, in particular adding movement to your every day activities. If you have reviewed or are going to review a book about that topic, link up. Then I feature you on both this week and next week’s post. 🙂

          2. Smitha V Avatar

            Thanks Marsha for explaining how WQW works. I don’t think I have a book review on ‘Fitness’ but I do have some old post on the subject which I’ll link up.

            P.S. my name is Smitha🙂

          3. Marsha Avatar

            Sorry Smitha! I’m horrible with names even when I see them spelled out. Yikes! But I’m a fast learner! That’s an unusual name. How did it originate?

          4. Smitha V Avatar

            That’s OK Marsha …. Smitha is an Indian name…it means ‘smile’. In fact, I have a poem written on how I got my name 🙂

          5. Marsha Avatar

            Send me the link. I’d love to read it. 🙂

          6. Smitha V Avatar

            Hi Marsha, here you go 🙂
            I hope you enoy reading it.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you for stopping by, Marsha. I had a wonderful time meeting you, Terri, and Diana! What a wonderful idea. Thank you for your interest in reading my memoir. Let me know what you think.

      1. Marsha Avatar

        I just ordered both yours and Diana’s newest books. Can’t wait to start. 🙂

        1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

          Wow, that’s wonderful to hear, Marsha. I hope you’ll like it and have great insight on it. 😍 I’ll host a blog tour with my review for Diana’s book. 😊

          1. Marsha Avatar

            I’m not sure what all that entails. I’ll wait till you post it then I’ll know more.

          2. Smitha V Avatar

            Hi Marsha, this is one of my few posts on ‘Fitness’ . Do check it out and let me know if it fits the bill for WQW. If it does, please let me know what i need to do next.

            Thank you in advance 🙂

  4. D. Wallace Peach Avatar

    What a beautiful and detailed review of Miriam’s memoir, Smitha. I had many of the same reactions and insights as you. This is a valuable read for all kinds of audiences, since so many of us will in some context struggle with the disease. I was most impressed with Miriam’s courage and determination, as well as the strength and support of her family and community. I can see why she was delighted and grateful for your kind words. Congrats to Miriam.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you very much, Diana, for reading the review and your kind appreciation of it. You’re right…all of us at some point have been there or may be there…its a book you want to remember, to stay strong.
      I appreciate your words on the review very much. Thank you again.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you so much for stopping by during your busy blog tour for your new release, Diana! I appreciate your support. I’m grateful for Smitha’s detailed review and her understanding of my hardship and triumph. I’m thankful for your insightful review as well.
      Today is my break from my chaotic packing to move. I’ll check on your blog tour! 🙂

      1. D. Wallace Peach Avatar

        You’re welcome, Miriam. I took a break from my tour to share my September reviews, including your book! Take care while packing, my friend. That’s a lot of work, so take breaks when you can. Hugs.

        1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

          I saw your review, Diana. I’ll read it tomorrow. Thank you for including my book. We’ve been under a lot of pressure. I’ll tell you about that later. Hugs.

          1. D. Wallace Peach Avatar

            I can just imagine, Miriam. Focus on what you need to do and don’t worry about blogs. We’ll all be here when your move is over. Love and hugs.

          2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

            Thank you, Diana. I can take a few minutes of break here and there until the house sold. Hugs. 💖

  5. Jacquie Biggar Avatar

    Excellent review! This book touched my heart with its truthfulness and faith, as well. Miriam is an inspiration to any going through a life-changing event.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you very much, Jacquie for reading the review and appreciating it. I agree with you- Miriam’s journey is an inspiration to anyone going through a traumatic event.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much, Jacqui! I had other “life-changing” but not life-threatening experiences. I’m a fighter, not easily giving up. My cancer journey was not something I could fight alone. I’m thankful to have family and friends walking me through it.

  6. boundlessblessingsblog Avatar

    Fantastic review Cindy. Congratulations to Miriam for sharing such a beautiful life of hers and her journey. Thanks a lot 😊

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Hey Kamal, it’s Smitha,not Cindy:). Who is Cindy btw? This is the second time you’ve called me by that name 😀.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the review. Yes, Miriam’s done a wonderful job sharing her journey.

      1. boundlessblessingsblog Avatar

        Ya sorry forgot Smitha. Ya Miriam is too good and she has come out bravely.

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          It’s okay🙂. Hope you are doing well.

          1. boundlessblessingsblog Avatar

            Yes all good. Take care and stay safe 💓

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much for your visit and comment, Kamal! I’m thankful that Smitha did a fantastic review of my memoir. 🙂

      1. boundlessblessingsblog Avatar

        You are always welcome dear Miriam. Lots of love and blessings ❤️

  7. gjef2871 Avatar

    I really want to read this book. Thanks for the review.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      I’m very glad that the review makes you want to read the book. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.

      1. gjef2871 Avatar

        Thank you for the review.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much, Gill! I hope you enjoy reading my memoir!

      1. gjef2871 Avatar

        Yes, I’ve got to figure out the kindle thing!

        1. Smitha V Avatar

          Gill, you can download kindle on your phone or iPad too. Once you subscribe to it, you can read any number of books, anytime. I hope this helps.

          1. gjef2871 Avatar

            Yes…. I know…. but I am slow and hesitant. Thanks for telling me anyways. And I like paper books.

          2. Smitha V Avatar

            I hear you…it took me forever to move from paperbacks to kindle but I love it now because it tells me how long I’ve read, meanings of words and allows me to highlight lines that speak to me🙂.

          3. gjef2871 Avatar

            I like the idea of being able to find the meanings of words straight away.

  8. edwardky2 Avatar

    Reblogged this on Ed;s Site..

    1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you for sharing, Ed. I appreciate that.

  9. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Wonderful review.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thanks so much, Jacqui. The book was an eyeopener in many ways.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much, Jacqui! I’ll be home in CA tomorrow.

  10. Liz Gauffreau Avatar

    Congratulations to Miriam on the wonderful review of her moving memoir. I had the same experience reading the book.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you, Liz. I’m happy to know that the review echoed your sentiments on reading the book. Miriam has done a great job writing the book.

      1. Liz Gauffreau Avatar

        You’re welcome, Smitha. Indeed, she has.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you so much, Liz. Smitha did a fantastic review of my memoir. I appreciated your review very much.

      1. Liz Gauffreau Avatar

        You’re most welcome, Miriam!

  11. balroop2013 Avatar

    This is a heart-felt review Smitha. I’ve read this book, loaded with Miriam’s emotional journey. Thanks for sharing. Wishing to all the best with moving.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you so much, Balroop ji for your warm wishes. Miriam’s book was factual and very real…it had things that very rarely get talked about. It’s good to know that you too have read this book.❤️

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you so much, Balroop! Smitha’s review stirred up my emotions all over again. I appreciated very much of your review also.

  12. […] over at Smitha Vishwanath, the blogger, painter, artist, and poet’s blog. She shared a heartwarming review of my […]

  13. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

    Reblogged this on The Showers of Blessings and commented:

    I’m over at Smitha Vishwanath, the blogger and poet’s blog. She shared a heartwarming review of my memoir. Her review stirred up my emotions about my journey all over again. It brought happy tears into my eyes because I’m alive t share my story with you. Please go over to read her excellent review.

  14. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

    Thank you for this excellent review of my memoir, Smitha. Your review stirs up my emotions all over again. I’m grateful to be here to share my story.
    I know very well about moving. I’m in the middle of packing and working with an agent to sell my house in California. I’m in Oregon with my daughter’s family right now and searching for a home to buy so that we can be close to them. <3

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      I’m very glad you think I did justice to your memoir,Miriam. It was a wonderful book and again thank you for sharing your difficult journey so beautifully.
      P.S. happy moving to you. It’s lovely that you are moving close to your daughter and grandkids. They must be so happy.❤️🙂

      1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

        You’re welcome, Smitha! 😍💖 Thank you again for your excellent review.
        Yes, they’re very happy. It happened that my older granddaughter had problem breathing due to congestion. My son-in-law took her to urgent care at 1:00 am. The doctor admitted her. My daughter went to the hospital to take over the shift and let her husband come home to get some rest. We watched the little one when they were gone. They were happy we were here to help.

        I read about your move but didn’t catch where you moved to. Did you move to another country?

  15. harmonykentonline Avatar

    Excellent review, Smitha. I have this book on my ereader waiting for me, and your review makes me even more eager to get to it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts 💕🙂

    1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much for your visit and comment, Harmony! I appreciate your interest in reading my memoir!

    2. Smitha V Avatar

      Thanks so much,Harmony. I’m pleased to know the review makes you eager to read the book. It’s a quick read packed with difficult information but flows so easily. I hope the book speaks to you like it did to me❤️🙂

  16. Dan Antion Avatar

    This is an excellent review of a wonderful book, Smitha. The part where Miriam was waiting for insurance twisted my emotions as I read it.

    Good luck with your move.

    1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Smitha did an excellent review, Dan! Thank you for your visit and comment.

    2. Smitha V Avatar

      Thanks so much,Dan, for your good wishes on the move. We move in exactly a week from today.
      I’m very happy to know that you liked the review, especially since you’ve read the book. Yes, the irony of the insurance, the way the medical system works despite the knowledge of how destructive delay in treatment can be to the human body is the bitter truth. Miriam’s sharing of it shows it doesn’t matter which part of the globe you are…it’s the same.

  17. rajkkhoja Avatar

    Very interested & helpful Miriam’s 📚 review. Very strong experience sharing in. Amazing words use in. Inspiring & emotionaly.
    “Life is precious and it’s worth fighting……. This lines very very important of life.
    “Well if it’s end,the pain is gone But there’s so much love to live for .”

    1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much, Rajkkhoja! I’m thankful for Smitha’s wonderful review.

    2. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you very much for reading the review and appreciating it. The book reminds you of the importance of life and how precious community can be at times of distress.

      1. rajkkhoja Avatar

        Thank you so much! Iam so happy!

  18. robbiesinspiration Avatar

    Hi Smitha, this is a really lovely review of Miriam’s book. You certainly did it justice. All the very best with your move and settling in. Hugs.

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Hi Robbie, I’m so glad you think so. I’d been meaning to write it but one thing and another just hadn’t been able to. Thank you for your warm wishes- we are moving in 9 days…so, it’s quite crazy here. Will speak to you on messenger. Hugs.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you for giving me a heads-up for Smitha’s review and post, Robbie. Her heartwarming review stirred up my emotions. <3

      1. robbiesinspiration Avatar

        It is my pleasure, Miriam. It is a wonderful review.

  19. dgkaye Avatar

    What an amazing review Smita. I am looking forward to reading this book soon. Congrats to Miriam for sharing her heart and journey and for your review <3

    1. Smitha V Avatar

      Thank you so much, Debbie. I’m so glad you think so🙂❤️. The book was easy and quick to read,even for a slow reader like me. Miriam has done a good job in sharing her life experience with the world. Hugs.

    2. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

      Thank you very much for your visit and comment, Debby! Smitha’s heartwarming review captured the essence of my memoir. <3

      1. dgkaye Avatar

        NO doubts Miriam. A beautiful review. <3

        1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

          It touched my heart, Debby! 💖

          1. dgkaye Avatar


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